Things That Have Been Happening feat. Japanese Curry

October 12, 2018


Photo by Buenosia Carol from Pexels

Basically, I've finally returned because I missed blogging and felt guilty for not uploading despite having time.

During that time, I've been thinking a lot about my blog and school and stuff.

I'm not fully satisfied with my blog's design, style of posts, graphics, etc...


But what I have agreed within myself is that I can always do those things later. Whenever that is.

Another thing that I've been thinking about is... school!

Youtube GIF

As some of you may know, I didn't make it into uni (yet again *sigh* *sigh* *sigh*) but I guess I'm doing the kind of subjects that are the closest to what I want to do in uni. I actually transferred during September because it's like I'm surrounded with some demonic folks like horrible people are just everywhere and I can't even explain it. 

The new place I'm in is quite quiet and I actually feel at peace (not fully but still...). I wanted to finish writing my current WIP and then start off with the next one in time for next month but I'm struggling to find a place to simply relax and write. I'm in the same room most of the time in a week.

Also, it's getting in the way of my language learning because I have to learn Irish and French. Irish I don't really bother learning because I don't know people who speak Irish fluently. It's honestly so sad but that's how it is around Dublin, I guess. As for French, I don't dislike it because it's a Romance language like Spanish so the grammar isn't incredibly challenging but it isn't easy either. I have yet to adjust to the language, the spelling and the pronunciation but reading it is the easiest part for me.

Another problem is that I might want to keep learning French? The reason I find that a problem is because I always wanted to study Mandarin Chinese after Korean and now I have to delay that. I only want to be intermediate in French, though. Well, at least after I improve in Spanish and French, I'll be one step closer to being a boss, since those are the some of the most common languages in the world.

I guess reading has also been what I've been thinking about recently. Mainly because this is primarily a bookish blog. Also because I haven't been uploading reviews consistently and I'm behind on my Goodreads challenge? But it's okay because I'm managing to read more on my journey on the bus to and from school. I also read in between classes as well. Helps to save my phone's battery, as well!

I haven't been reading much outside YA Contemporary, which sucks because even though it's my go-to genre, I haven't been loving most of the books I've been reading. Also, because it's my resolution this year to read more books outside my preferred genre?

I'm also behind on so much. Blog posts, YouTube videos, etc.

Lastly, I'll like to talk about a blog that I like because she recently made a post about Japanese curry over here and I started looking up recipes because of her!

Nurul Rasya's blog is fantastic and I hope you check it out because it's so pretty (you want to marry it. Just trust me) and she often talks about Japanese culture and being Malaysian and other wonderful stuff. Like, her blog is so pretty.

Also, she suggested that I should give the recipe I found for the Japanese curry I've been making recently in my next blog post, which is this one so, haha!

Here's the recipe (I looked for the easiest one I could find):

So... yeah. I hope you guys are not being super stressed out in school and maybe you'll try out this curry recipe! Curry is good!

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  1. Thank you for mentioning me and I hope you're not worrying much about uni placement.

    And the guy in the Youtube video makes curry looks easy LOL. I knew because I make curry once in a while (Malaysian one of course) and the process is almost the same except that I used curry paste and spice that I brought from home because it's not sold in Japan.

    1. It's hard not to :(

      You're welcome!

      TRUE! I was wondering how he could do it so easily o.O

      And I'm still waiting for that Malaysian curry recipe!

  2. Ugh, I am actually quite stressed out by school. I have been trying not to be, but it's not really working. I am in intermediate French right now and kind of struggling. I like the idea of learning a bunch of new languages but actually doing it is really daunting. I want to do well in my classes but I also want to read and blog and do other things that I enjoy. Like breathe, for example.
    Hang in there!

    1. Yes. The intermediate stage is SO HARD.

      The truth. Sometimes I wished I put one aside but I keep telling myself it's too late for that. I hope it works out... *screams*


  3. I so admire your commitment to language learning! hopefully being in a new environment will help you learn. I'm excited to see wherever this blog ends up. and I'll try to make that curry sometime!

    1. Haha thank you. I'll try to achieve something in my language learning.

      yeah, I like the environment. ^^

      I hope you do. It's weirdly sweet to me but it kinda works.

  4. I hope you don't stress too much, I'll be praying for you!

    1. Thank you so much, Gray. Your comments are very appreciated!

  5. Ahhh good luck with Uni! And learning what seems like ten thousand languages haha.

    Nabila | Hot Town Cool Girl


Keep it all clean, man. Well, if you really wanna curse, use minor swear words. And I mean the minorest of minor ones.

"Or what?" you ask in indignation.

"Or else."